Lucy - Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy
Lucy is a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy out of Nala and Winston born on March 29th. She has a striking tri-color coat and stocky frame. We are sure she will take on her parents' kind, easy-going personality traits and make a wonderful family pet. She is being raised in a family environment and will be well-socialized by the time she goes to her new home. We give all our puppies a start to potty training and introduce them to crates to help ease the transition into your home.
AKC Bernese Mountain Dog
Born on March 29, 2024
Ready on May 24, 2024
Price: $2750* $2000
🔴 Reserved
*Price does not include sales tax.
Pictures of this Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

NuVet is the nutritional supplement we give our dogs with great results! Baxter & Bella is THE BEST online puppy training school. We are excited to partner with both to give our customers the opportunity to continue their puppies healthy and well-raised life. Click below to learn more and get your own.