You can have kids and a puppy!

Who says kids and puppies don’t mix? Who says your life will be miserable if you get a puppy while deep in the throes of parenting? At Joley Aire, we’re rejecting those notions and equipping our customers to have the child/puppy relationships they’ve always dreamed of! Learn more below!

Safe and Happy

Are you struggling to maintain a safe and happy home with kids and a new puppy? This online course is specifically designed to help parents like you navigate this challenging but rewarding journey. With expert guidance and practical tips, you'll learn how to create a harmonious environment where both your children and furry friend can thrive. From establishing routines to teaching boundaries, this course covers it all. Sign up now and ensure a smooth transition for your family and new pet.

Step 1 - Kids and Dogs 101

This course is designed by a mom and former teacher. That means it contains easy-to-understand videos and a few (simple and even fun!) homework assignments along the way, to make sure that you have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed before new puppy comes home. Plus, the instructor has walked in your shoes and will guide you with compassion and practicality.

This course includes...

✅ dog training strategies to reduce chaos

✅ safety and management ideas

✅ tips for keeping pooch calm

✅ tried and true guidelines for how to bring your baby home for the first time

✅ dog body language translations to help you understand your dog’s feelings and reduce stress

✅ tips for multi-tasking while parenting a dog and baby, such as cooking or using the bathroom

✅ peace of mind, knowing your baby will be safe and your dog will be well-adjusted

Use the code JOLEYAIREPP for $50 off!!!

Step 2 - Pooch Parenting Society

Take the guesswork out of parenting kids and dogs at the same time

This subscription includes...

🐾 A 15-minute connection call so that we can get to know you and can be sure to provide support that will help your family

🐾 Instant access to The Pooch Parenting Society membership Hub, a searchable video library filled with tips to make living with kids and dogs easier and less confusing

🐾 Q & A’s over Zoom and in our Facebook Group so you can get relief fast when issues arise (as they always do with kids and dogs)

🐾 Supportive members-only community where you can get support from me, your fellow members and share your parenting and dog training wins!

🐾 This content may change or evolve as members provide feedback. It’s my way of focusing on what matters most to YOU.

Use the code JOLEYAIREPP for $50 off a year’s membership!!!