

Louisiana is a part of our F1 Bernedoodle litter out of Denali and Winston. She was born on January 15th, 2022 and will be ready to go to her new home on March 12th. She is expected to grow to be between 80-100 lbs as an adult.

By the time she goes to her new home, Louisiana will have her first set of vaccines, de-wormed, and a health check by a certified Veterinarian. She will also go home with a goodie bag of starter supplies and food.

She gets lots of love and attention daily from our kids which will help her become an excellent family pet. She also gets to spend time meeting other dogs while living with us to help her become well socialized.

This is a special little girl and will make an amazing family pet!

🔴 Status: Sold

  • Gender: Female

  • Color: Tri-Color

  • Markings: N/A

  • Birth date: January 15th, 2022

  • $3750 $3500

Three days old

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Six



