Captain Crunch- Standard Bernedoodle Puppy
Captain Crunch is an F1 Standard Bernedoodle puppy out of Akira and Winston born on March 31st. He is a good-looking phantom-colored puppy. We are sure he will take on the kind, easy-going personality traits of his parents and will make a wonderful family pet. He is being raised in a family environment and will be well-socialized by the time he goes to his new home. We give all our puppies a start to potty training and introduce them to crates to help ease the transition into your home.
F1 Bernedoodle
Expected Adult Weight: 70-90 lbs
Born on March 31, 2024
Ready on May 26, 2024
Price: $3000*
🔴 Reserved
*Price does not include sales tax.
Pictures of this Bernedoodle Puppy
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

NuVet is the nutritional supplement we give our dogs with great results! Baxter & Bella is THE BEST online puppy training school. We are excited to partner with both to give our customers the opportunity to continue their puppies healthy and well-raised life. Click below to learn more and get your own.