Puppies and Bunnies: September Adventures with Our Fall Litter

It’s September in central Illinois, and that means one thing for us—glorious, crisp weather that’s perfect for spending time outdoors with our beloved dogs. This year, the month is even more special because we’ve been introducing our 4-week-old Bernedoodle puppies from Mae’s "Fall Litter" to the wonders of the world outside. With every opportunity, we scoop up the little ones and head outside to enjoy the gentle breeze, soft sunlight, and the vibrant green grass. If there’s anything better than puppy breath, it’s seeing these little balls of fluff explore nature for the first time.

But the puppies aren’t the only ones enjoying the great outdoors. Our two bunnies, Fluffers and Steve, got in on the action, and let me tell you, it was quite the scene. We figured it would be fun to introduce the puppies to their fellow furry friends, and the results were entertaining to say the least.

Fluffers, ever the social butterfly, was thrilled to meet the little pups. He hopped right up to the wiggly group of puppies, almost like he was inspecting his new recruits for some secret bunny mission. The puppies, naturally, were fascinated. They followed Fluffers around the yard, noses to the ground, wagging their tiny tails as they tried to keep up with his gentle hops. It was heartwarming to see Fluffers welcome them into his little world, completely unbothered by the curious, clumsy pups.

Steve, on the other hand, wasn’t as enthusiastic. While Fluffers was making new friends, Steve found himself a cozy spot under a tree and settled in to nibble on some grass. No amount of puppy kisses or playful bounces could convince Steve to join the fun. He cast a few side-eye glances at the puppies as if to say, “I’m much too sophisticated for all this.” Steve is the definition of a bunny that enjoys his quiet time, and while the puppies tried their best to win him over, he was more interested in a peaceful afternoon in the shade.

This playful puppy-bunny interaction is just one of the many ways we’re helping our Fall Litter get the socialization they need to grow into well-adjusted dogs. From the moment they opened their eyes, we’ve been gently exposing them to new sights, sounds, and textures. The more experiences they have now, the more confident and curious they will be as they grow. Whether it’s meeting new animals like Fluffers and (sort of) Steve, feeling the grass beneath their paws, or hearing the wind rustle through the trees, these early experiences are shaping their future in the best way possible.

Speaking of the future, there are still two sweet girls looking for their forever homes: S'mores and Pumpkin. S’mores, with her soft, marshmallowy personality and coat that matches her namesake, loves a good adventure. Pumpkin, our little autumn beauty, is as warm and delightful as a cozy fall afternoon. These girls are eager to continue their socialization journey with a loving family.

So as we enjoy the beautiful September days, we can’t help but feel excited for all the adventures these puppies will have ahead. And who knows—maybe Fluffers will stop by to say hello again, while Steve watches from a safe distance under his favorite tree!


The Flooring is Done!