Akira and Denali’s 2022 Litters

A few weeks ago we welcomed two new litters only days apart! Denali had four healthy puppies on August 18 and Akira had five on August 20. Needless to say that we’ve been very busy since!

We’ve named these litters the “Reptile” (Denali’s) and “Fish” (Akira’s) litters. Can you tell our kids have had some influence on our litter themes?

And, here is a testament to how far behind I’ve fallen. Below are their 10 day old pictures (look at those cute eyes peeping out!) and I haven’t even taken their 3 week old pictures!

Some of these puppies have been adopted already, but not all of them! Be sure to contact us if you’re interested.

Other news…

Izzy’s litter of puppies is doing great! I can’t believe how big they are getting.

Finally, we still have Miss Charlie from Suki’s “Military Alphabet” Litter!!! We still can’t believe no one has snatched this sweet girl up! To be honest, we haven’t minded keeping her a little longer because she is almost perfectly crate trained and potty trained, she sits to say please, and she is always happy! If we could, we’d keep her…but it's probably better to share the blessing of Charlie with others.

If you want to skip the worst parts of the puppy stage, inquire about this sweet girl.


Litter Plans for Winter 2023-2024


Izzy’s 2022 Litter!