10 Week and 2 Week old Bernedoodle Puppy Pictures

I am the Director of a play for high school kids in our co-op, which has nothing to do with Joley Aire or our dogs other than the fact that it took most of my attention this week. Yesterday was our first read-through and I had a lot of work to do in the days leading up to it to prepare. Now that the read-through is done, I woke up with the determination to put more of my attention toward the puppies. The first order of business was getting updated pictures of Mae’s puppies and Suki’s remaining available puppies.


Mae’s Bernedoodle litter is at that sweet stage of being chunky, sleepy, and cooperative for pictures. Their eyes just opened over the last few days and it’s so fun to see their little peepers! Their vision is still very limited. It will become more clear over the next week or so. Their ears will also open soon which means we can start sound desensitization with them.

Taking their pictures was a dream! They held nice and still and slept peacefully through most of it. Puppies that hold still are so easy to capture. Our Zinnias are blooming, so I grabbed a few to use as props. Here’s a picture of each puppy:

The training and socialization they receive at this point is mostly just lots of holding and cuddles. We want them to be very familiar with the scent of humans and comfortable being moved and handled. We do a little ENS here and there, but not religiously.


Mae’s litter has two people on the waiting list who have yet to pick their puppies. Once their picks are made, we’ll be open for applications for the other two. Every one of these puppies is so stunning, I don’t think they’ll stay available for long. Of course, the Waiting List is open, but most people just choose to wait to place a deposit to find out which ones are available at this point and I don’t blame them.


While I took the pictures of one puppy, the others were weighed, dewormed, had their toenails clipped, and snuggled with the kids. It was a big day for the little tykes, but it felt good to get all these things done.


Most of Suki’s litter from this summer have gone to their new homes, except Pookie and Squeak. The two sweet, phantom girls are still looking for their forever homes. They are 10 weeks old and ready to go anytime.

After we were done with Mae’s puppies pictures, we brought Pookie and Sqeak in for their photoshoot. Taking pictures of 10-week-old puppies vs. 2-week-olds is a night and day difference! The level of difficulty increases substantially as they age. Pookie is especially hard to capture because she’s so much darker. It’s always frustrating to me that puppies like Pookie get passed up because they’re hard to photograph. She has such a great temperament and is so easy to train!

Squeak, of course, was still as toy-obsessed as ever! For a while, I tried to snatch the toy away from her to take the pictures, but it worked out better to just let her have it. This puppy is so entertaining to watch! As the weather cools and we prepare for winter, I can picture her future family having a great time passing the hours just watching her do all the silly things she does. And then, when she’s all tuckered out, snuggling up with her on the couch to watch the snow falling outside.

Squeak and Pookie also received their next round of vaccinations today.

The rest of the afternoon was spent editing and uploading all the great pictures we got - a job I don’t mind doing with a nice cup of tea and a good podcast to listen to.


Breeding Drama, Old Puppies, Young Puppies, and a Bit of Everything


National Dog Day Photo Contest