Grooming Supplies

Who doesn’t love those cute Poodle crosses we call “Doodles”? Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Bernedoodles, and Sheepadoodles have stolen the hearts of many because of their sweet personalities, teddy bear looks, and the fact that they don’t shed much.

Well, that last characteristic comes at a bit of a price. You see, Doodles need regular grooming to keep their coat clean and healthy.

Now, whether you decide to take your Doodle to the groomer or want to do some or all of their grooming at home, you are going to need some supplies. Buying grooming supplies can be daunting, which is why I’ve compiled a list of products I use and recommend.

Grooming supplies can get really expensive if you aren’t careful. There are some things that are definitely worth investing in, but others might be better to go cheaper on or skip altogether. In this list, I’ll explain where your money is best spent when it comes to grooming supplies.

Before we start shopping, though, I wanted to tell you about a guide I’ve made to help you with grooming. It’s called Groom Your Doodle and it explains each step in the grooming process in detail.

*Affiliate Disclosure: We earn a small commission for recommending these products at no extra cost to the purchaser. We never recommend products we wouldn’t use ourselves and strive for complete honesty. Thank you for supporting Joley Aire!



I’ve tried several shampoos and conditioner products for dogs from super cheap ones at Menards to more expensive, fancy ones. My favorite so far has been from NuVet. I feel like it does a good job, lathers well, smells great, and I don’t have to worry about what’s in it. For our older dogs who need conditioning, I use the Conditioning Shampoo with good results.

Shampoo - NuVet Puppy & Kitten Shampoo

Conditioner - NuVet Conditioning Oatmeal Shampoo



Having a regular brushing routine is much more important than top quality gear. If getting the budget brushes means you’ll start brushing sooner and will keep it up, then that’s what you should buy!

I’ve always purchased the budget option brushes in this list. However, I’ve heard such good things about the higher end brushes that I figured I should include them here.



For years I used our human hair dryer to groom our dogs. Drying would take so long, I often gave up and allowed them to play and run around (they always get extra crazy after a bath) before they are all the way dry. I found out later, this was the reason we struggled with matted hair so much!

This is one item that should not be skipped on!



A good set of scissors is going to make your life so much easier when it comes to grooming. That being said, if you are just grooming your one dog at home, you can probably get by with one of the affordable budget options.



As with the dryer, my advice is not to skimp on the clippers. If your dog has fine, silky hair you may be able to get by with cheap clippers, but that’s not the case for most Doodles. 

I struggled for years with cheap clippers and often resorted to hand scissoring our entire dog because the clippers worked so poorly. When I got my first Andis Professional clippers I almost cried! The difference was a game changer for me and my dogs!


Misc. Supplies

Don’t forget the ears and nails when grooming your dog! Here are a few miscellaneous recommendations for products to help you with those.


I hope you find this list of items to be helpful in your dog grooming endeavors. There are many benefits to grooming your dog at home and it doesn’t have to be super expensive!

If you would like to read more tips on grooming your dog at home, check out some of our other blog posts.

Also, I’ve put together a free guide for grooming your Doodle at home! It gives step by step instructions for the entire grooming process.


Training Your Puppy for Grooming


Crate Training Your New Puppy